Across Time eBook Jeff Fuell

Across Time eBook Jeff Fuell
Across Time is a great story with characters that the reader is easily able to connect with. There are so many levelsto this story that make us ask ourselves certain questions. What would we do in that situation? I for one have always felt out of place in this time. Could we make the choice between love and our proper place in time? The entire time reading this I was reminded of my all time favorite movie. Somewhere in Time, from Richard Matheson's book Bid Time Return. I for one am a believer in the beauty of love. And the power. This story really shows that. I now intend to acquire more of Jeff Fuell's writings, to lose time while reading. I recommend everyone else do as well.

Tags : Across Time - Kindle edition by Jeff Fuell. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Across Time.,ebook,Jeff Fuell,Across Time,SynergEbooks,Fiction Science Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction Science Fiction General
Across Time eBook Jeff Fuell Reviews
I really enjoyed reading "Across Time" by Jeff Fuell. The story is about Susan and Christopher who are best friends living in 2008. After Christopher has a bad day at school and goes to the mall with Susan. Christopher goes with Susan to a local bookstore to meet Ronald Lexington, who is Susan's favorite author. When Christopher and Susan go back to Christopher's house it is pouring down rain. Christopher notices a circle that has a scent of incense catches his attention. When he gets close to it, his world goes dark along with Susan's. They go back in time to the year of 1963 where everything has changed from buildings, fashion, prices of food and gas. Christopher and Susan (as brother and sister) decide to attend school where they meet Ronald Lexington before he was famous and Jennifer a tall, thin, beautiful girl. Susan starts to develop strong feelings for Ronald and Christopher begins to feel an attraction towards Jennifer. Christopher attends the school dance with Jennifer and Susan goes with Ronald. When it comes time to return to the future will Christopher and Susan return? Will Susan's life change to make her stay in the year 1963? Will Christopher ever win a scholarship to Julliard? Will he ever meet his idol Marie Osmond?
The story reminds me of "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. Another time travel books that I read and enjoyed. I look forward to reading more books written by Jeff Fuell. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Across Time is a great story with characters that the reader is easily able to connect with. There are so many levels
to this story that make us ask ourselves certain questions. What would we do in that situation? I for one have always felt out of place in this time. Could we make the choice between love and our proper place in time? The entire time reading this I was reminded of my all time favorite movie. Somewhere in Time, from Richard Matheson's book Bid Time Return. I for one am a believer in the beauty of love. And the power. This story really shows that. I now intend to acquire more of Jeff Fuell's writings, to lose time while reading. I recommend everyone else do as well.

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