Only Ever Yours eBook Louise O'Neill

Only Ever Yours eBook Louise O'Neill
I was very excited about this book. The concept was wonderful however the execution left me cold. I was thinking more along the lines of a modern "Handmaiden's Tale" and not a futuristic "Mean Girls". I could barely stomach all the Jr High antics and trifling drama from the female characters in this novel. I kept waiting for it to get past all that. Yeah, we get it! These girls are trifling. Yeesh! Too long setting up the reveal. By the time the novel got around to the climax I'd already lost interest. It could've been so much more! Like I said, I love the premise and it is very thought provoking. Reminding me of an episode of The Twilight Zone but without the maturity level. If you want to read an interesting futuristic take on the female condition read Margaret Atwood. If you want petty, mean girling and a totally unsympathetic main character, this will be for you. I dont have a lot of money for new books, sorry I purchased this one.
Tags : Only Ever Yours - Kindle edition by Louise O'Neill. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Only Ever Yours.,ebook,Louise O'Neill,Only Ever Yours,riverrun,AF: Fantasy,Englisch Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur,Englische Belletristik Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur,Englische Bücher Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur,FICTION General,Fantasy,Fantasyliteratur,Handmaid's Tale; The Handmaids Tale; Margaret Atwood; Asking for It; feminist; women's bodies; body; Elizabeth Moss; Elisabeth Moss; The Heart Goes Last; beauty; body image; Mean Girls; Marian Keyes; Lindy West; body image,JUVENILE FICTION Dystopian,Kinder- Jugendromane u. -erzählungen,Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur Englisch,Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur Jugendliteratur Ab 14 Jahre,KinderJugendliche: Romane, Erzählungen, Tatsachenberichte,Modern & contemporary fiction,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),Moderne und zeitgenössische Belletristik,Science Fiction & Fantasy,FICTION General,JUVENILE FICTION Dystopian,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Fantasy,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
Only Ever Yours eBook Louise O'Neill Reviews
This book was recommended after I finished the Uglies Series (SW) and I loved the concept of it. The main character, however, is just not my cup of tea, and perhaps it speaks to the author's writing ability if I hated the protagonist that much, the story must have been written well-enough. I docked a 'star' because it is slightly macabre and the end leaves you unsatisfied. Overall, it is a nice novel, and it is something that you can read a couple of times, and find further hidden meaning each time.
I found this book to be a scary alternate future. As someone who isn't very skinny I occasionally felt bad about my body reading it. For the story there were a lot of nice details you may not notice at first. Also, a podcast I listen to "the bad feminist book club" read and reviewed this book (which is why I read it)
While our society doesn't go the extremes of the final days on this story, so much rings true for how we discuss women and girls. What is expected but little discussed. What is projected upon women and fed to men as ideal. Hard to read without internalizing it a bit as well though which is really the only reason why I can't go 5 stars. I wish somewhere there had been a counter voice, a true rebel, a leaven in the lump. But I suppose that ma what makes it futuristic in the end, that lack. But I like to believe that there will and would always be voices of protest and attempts at subversion. ~review by Clare Golding
I wish I was able to describe why I find the story fascinating better and in more details (I'm not a native speaker or can write well). Let's just say it's been already a week since I read the book and my thoughts are still coming back to the story. Very few books can produce the same reaction. It was like someone put a slightly warped mirror to all my obsessions I suffer from on a daily basis and gave me a good hard slap.
I started this book with great hopes that it would be a story that could rise above the world the author had created but it didn't happen. Ms O'Neill put a lot of care into the description of outfits but all of the characters including the heroine are two-dimensional and stereotypical, alas. The concept of young women being molded into physical beauty through savage methods is a reliable concept, but Freida, the heroine never rises above her situation to DO much of anything except flounder and ultimately fail. I'm sure readers will say that not every story has a happy ending but in this case I have to wonder why even write it then? There's no one to root for, and even the twist for the antagonist comes too late in the story to hold much of a punch. Not only that, but there are several sections that are needlessly repetitive and frankly, boring. There were lots of different ways the plot could have gone--much more exciting, daring and interesting ways--but ultimately, this book was a letdown.
Very mild spoilers. This an amazing book. It draws a harsh light on the world we live in now. There are so many similarities in the behavior exhibited by the women in this book and women we meet in daily lives. It's basically the general portrayal of women today brought to a terrifying extreme that rings so true it's scary. To the reviewers complaining of a "mean girl" attitude, I feel that that was done purposefully. It's petty and can be frustrating, but that's why it plays such a vital role in the storyline, because this is the warped mentality their dystopian society has birthed them. Same for the main character, she is not immune to this mentality, that's what makes it all the more heartbreaking.
Personally, I feel that some of the negative reviews simply missed the artful craft and truthfulness of the book. It's a great read, completely recommend.
There may be mild spoilers in this review
I will begin by saying that I look for dystopian fiction to read. The Handmaid's Tale, Never Let Me Go, Brave New World, and 1984 all have places on my bookshelf and in my ereader. Only Ever Yours will be joining this group of tales. I enjoyed the story of a group of girls indoctrinated by their culture to believe that they are only valuable for their appearance. I thought that the subtle new spellings, reality shows, and social media presences were nods to our present culture. Some of the themes are disturbing - only beauty matters, strict target weights, drugs to enable compliance, and male perceptions of females, they are meant to be disturbing because they uncomfortably close to our own culture. This is not a light-weight read, there is an ending, the story is complete, but it continues to resonate asking to be revisited by the reader.
I was very excited about this book. The concept was wonderful however the execution left me cold. I was thinking more along the lines of a modern "Handmaiden's Tale" and not a futuristic "Mean Girls". I could barely stomach all the Jr High antics and trifling drama from the female characters in this novel. I kept waiting for it to get past all that. Yeah, we get it! These girls are trifling. Yeesh! Too long setting up the reveal. By the time the novel got around to the climax I'd already lost interest. It could've been so much more! Like I said, I love the premise and it is very thought provoking. Reminding me of an episode of The Twilight Zone but without the maturity level. If you want to read an interesting futuristic take on the female condition read Margaret Atwood. If you want petty, mean girling and a totally unsympathetic main character, this will be for you. I dont have a lot of money for new books, sorry I purchased this one.

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