Unmaking Hunter Kennedy eBook Anne Eliot

Unmaking Hunter Kennedy eBook Anne Eliot
This is a cute book. A super cute book. I can't resist a story where the geek gets the guy. On the surface this can seem like a fluffy story done many times before ... a Hollywood music star falls into self-destructive behavior and needs to disappear. This throws him in the path of an ordinary girl who is not so ordinary. Romance ensues. But this story manages to feel fresh with themes that resonate and cause me to think beyond the pages of the book. Hunter Kennedy has a mess of a life, and although he is constantly surrounded by fans and an entourage he feels surprisingly alone in the world. This leads to a debilitating depression that threatens his life. Depression is real, and I felt like this story focused on the dangers of depression in a thoughtful way ... not using it simply as a dramatic device to further the plat, but instead dealing with it in a way that many who suffer the effects of depression might understand and recognize. On top of this issue Hunter also suffers from the lack of identity which comes when ones entire life is scripted for them. Who exactly is Hunter Kennedy? This story truly is the story of his journey to discover who he really is. Along for the ride is Vere, a super shy girl who sits on the social outskirts of her Colorado high school. She is madly in love with her brother's best friend, and has been for many years. But because of a disastrous incident in junior high she can't even speak a word to him. She freezes. She is a girl who publicly is awkward and shy and different. But with Hunter she is somehow able to relax and be a confident, funny, and outgoing girl. He centers her. As much as this is a story about Hunter's growth as a character, this is also a story of Vere growing as well to put aside her old insecurities and learn to love what is really important in her life.I loved Hunter and Vere. They could make or break this story, and I believe that they were a pleasant couple to root for. I'll admit that by the end of the story Vere was so horribly naive and obtuse when it came to her feelings for Hunter and his feelings for her that I had some moments where I wanted to reach into the story and throttle her. It was a bit frustrating. Luckily, that didn't dominate the story, or I don't think I could have rated this as highly. The secondary characters were pretty good as well. I loved Vere's family ... even Charlie, who could be a jerk at times. The object of Vere's romantic obsession for the majority of the book may have been portrayed in the end as too much of a cad. I think it would have been nice for Vere to recognize her true feelings without almost being forced into it by such a jerk. Also, I know that lots of people really liked the way the ending played out. I might be the exception here. I would have rather had the same words spoken, but in a more private fashion. But that's a personal preference thing for me. I think if I had read this when I was a teen I would have totally swooned over Hunter's actions.
Only one thing kept this from being a five star read for me. The book was entirely too long. Now before anyone thinks that I am a reading lightweight who can't handle long books, let me assure you, that is not the case. Length doesn't concern me if I feel like I am reading a tightly constructed novel. In this case I think that the book could have benefited from an excellent editor to help pull things together more tightly. Several times in the story I felt the need for things to just move on. All the scenes are great. They are. So I recognize that it might be hard for an author to ever choose to eliminate any of them. Still, I think that a shorter story that flowed a bit better would have made this one of my favorites. Then add the extra scenes as bonus material. I would have loved that. But having said that, this is still a cute young adult story that left me smiling at the end. I do recommend it for those looking for a great romance of two people finding themselves as they find each other. Four stars!

Tags : Amazon.com: Unmaking Hunter Kennedy eBook: Anne Eliot: Kindle Store,ebook,Anne Eliot,Unmaking Hunter Kennedy,Butterfly Books, LLC,JUVENILE FICTION Girls & Women,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance
Unmaking Hunter Kennedy eBook Anne Eliot Reviews
I really loved Almost A Love Story so I have been waiting for another book by the author, Anne Eliot. I picked this one up and had high hopes despite the completely unbelieveable premise. I figured I would put my skepticism aside and just have fun with it.
And it was a fun book, it really was. It's definitely aimed more towards a young teen audience than an older YA audience. I would put this right at a middle school level book. It's pretty squeaky clean with just some mild sexuality and drug/alcohol use, but with a moral attached. I think it's nice, it's good to be able to suggest books to my friends for their early teens without worrying it will offend.
That being said, this book needed an editor badly! There were many misused words, misspelled words, one whole paragraph that was duplicated. Hunter was used when Dustin should have been and vice-versa. It was really distracting. I hate to lower a books rating due to the editing, but unfortunately it is something that really bothers me and makes it so I cannot enjoy the book I'm reading, so I consider it part of my rating.
The plot is cute, though as I stated before, pretty unbelievable. But it was still fun and I liked the characters. Vere was cute and goofy and I loved her family and best friend. And I liked Hunter/Dustin. I liked his part of the plot and his self-destructive behavior and how he was able to grow throughout the book. The only character I didn't 'get' was Charlie, Vere's brother, who is supposed to be a great guy but he just came across as a jerk through most of the book. And the fact that his best friend was such a loser creep and Charlie either didn't know it(unlikely) and didn't care if he dated his sister seemed odd.
Overall I thought it was a cute, fun book that would be great if it just had some heavy editing and if it was made clear that it is a book geared towards the young end of YA fiction.
When I picked up Unmaking Hunter Kennedy, I was looking for a feel good read. That's exactly what I got. You know those movies and books where a girl is turned from a major dork to a hot chick? Well, this is exactly the opposite. Hunter goes from celebrity to total nerd and it is priceless! I loved how he fell for Vere and how she slowly became aware of him. The banter was witty and the storyline was cute. It was sweet contemporary YA goodness! This was my first book by Anne Eliot and I'm so excited to read the rest of her back list.
This is a cute book. A super cute book. I can't resist a story where the geek gets the guy. On the surface this can seem like a fluffy story done many times before ... a Hollywood music star falls into self-destructive behavior and needs to disappear. This throws him in the path of an ordinary girl who is not so ordinary. Romance ensues. But this story manages to feel fresh with themes that resonate and cause me to think beyond the pages of the book. Hunter Kennedy has a mess of a life, and although he is constantly surrounded by fans and an entourage he feels surprisingly alone in the world. This leads to a debilitating depression that threatens his life. Depression is real, and I felt like this story focused on the dangers of depression in a thoughtful way ... not using it simply as a dramatic device to further the plat, but instead dealing with it in a way that many who suffer the effects of depression might understand and recognize. On top of this issue Hunter also suffers from the lack of identity which comes when ones entire life is scripted for them. Who exactly is Hunter Kennedy? This story truly is the story of his journey to discover who he really is. Along for the ride is Vere, a super shy girl who sits on the social outskirts of her Colorado high school. She is madly in love with her brother's best friend, and has been for many years. But because of a disastrous incident in junior high she can't even speak a word to him. She freezes. She is a girl who publicly is awkward and shy and different. But with Hunter she is somehow able to relax and be a confident, funny, and outgoing girl. He centers her. As much as this is a story about Hunter's growth as a character, this is also a story of Vere growing as well to put aside her old insecurities and learn to love what is really important in her life.
I loved Hunter and Vere. They could make or break this story, and I believe that they were a pleasant couple to root for. I'll admit that by the end of the story Vere was so horribly naive and obtuse when it came to her feelings for Hunter and his feelings for her that I had some moments where I wanted to reach into the story and throttle her. It was a bit frustrating. Luckily, that didn't dominate the story, or I don't think I could have rated this as highly. The secondary characters were pretty good as well. I loved Vere's family ... even Charlie, who could be a jerk at times. The object of Vere's romantic obsession for the majority of the book may have been portrayed in the end as too much of a cad. I think it would have been nice for Vere to recognize her true feelings without almost being forced into it by such a jerk. Also, I know that lots of people really liked the way the ending played out. I might be the exception here. I would have rather had the same words spoken, but in a more private fashion. But that's a personal preference thing for me. I think if I had read this when I was a teen I would have totally swooned over Hunter's actions.
Only one thing kept this from being a five star read for me. The book was entirely too long. Now before anyone thinks that I am a reading lightweight who can't handle long books, let me assure you, that is not the case. Length doesn't concern me if I feel like I am reading a tightly constructed novel. In this case I think that the book could have benefited from an excellent editor to help pull things together more tightly. Several times in the story I felt the need for things to just move on. All the scenes are great. They are. So I recognize that it might be hard for an author to ever choose to eliminate any of them. Still, I think that a shorter story that flowed a bit better would have made this one of my favorites. Then add the extra scenes as bonus material. I would have loved that. But having said that, this is still a cute young adult story that left me smiling at the end. I do recommend it for those looking for a great romance of two people finding themselves as they find each other. Four stars!

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