Falling From Grace Grace Series Book 1 eBook SL Naeole

Falling From Grace Grace Series Book 1 eBook SL Naeole
Okay this is one of those books that are super confusing but you can’t stop reading it. I don’t know why I keep falling in to these writing traps. So this story line was ALL over the place. Not much was resolved by the end, in fact there was so much info dumping that I couldn’t tell you what the story was really about. It was a giant cargo plane stuffed with fireworks that crashed into an oil tanker. You can imagine right? And I just couldn’t look away.Strike one: info dumping. I mean, it was in almost every chapter! And it wasn’t even relevant! This book needs a developmental editor stat!
Strike two: insta-love! Like three days in. ::Cue the petty eye roll::
Strike Three: No real plot. Boy meets girl, boy likes girl. Girl has massive self confidence issues and keeps him at arm’s length. Boy takes offense and misunderstands ALL THE TIME. Then they make up, wash, rinse, repeat. :shakes head: Oops, sorry, did I spoil it for you?
Strike Four: The climax! What the eff! It was confusing and again, didn’t make sense with the rest of the storyline. It all seemed a bit thrown together with no real direction, no focus. This story could have been fantastic if an experienced editor was employed to take out the massive fluff in this book.
Definitely not reading anymore in this series. Truth be told I should have DNF’d it but I kept holding out hope it would redeem itself. And in some places it felt like it was going in that direction. But then some random piece of info would get thrown in, complete with a long drawn out explanation, and by the time I realized there was no resolution I was done with the book. I felt like I was Jedi mind tricked!

Tags : Falling From Grace (Grace Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by S.L. Naeole. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Falling From Grace (Grace Series Book 1).,ebook,S.L. Naeole,Falling From Grace (Grace Series Book 1),Crystal Quill Publishing,FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Sagas,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance
Falling From Grace Grace Series Book 1 eBook SL Naeole Reviews
When I first started reading this book I had my doubts but they did not last long. There is such a beautiful manner of expressing things in this book that is so graceful and captivating that all else falls by the proverbial wayside. The emotions are on the surface and we feel the transference from them especially Grace and Robert. Sometimes their reactions are silly, childish and even awkward but look at their ages. Yes, Robert has lived for centuries but always through the emotions of others so of course he is not always going to make sense, he is only now understanding feelings, and if Grace is Bella (Twilight) in some ways then the ways she differs completely enthrall us into keeping them seperate. She may intrigue Robert as Bella does Edward but their relationship has some dimensional strands that sets the books quite strongly apart.
It is this latter aspect that has critics talking about how like the Twilight series this novel is. I agree that there are similarities but the language, the emotions and the characters are very different once you are involved in the unfolding drama or dramas. By the way, I am an avid Twilight fan so I am not taking this discussion lightly. Let's face, is anything really that original? If you think so then read some Greek plays (ancient) or go to any Shakespeare production. This is a beautiful book not only for young adults but all ages, and I love the way parents play a secondary role but one that gives us insight into how the personalities of these young people are formed. This is a wonderful book despite some small grammar points as mentioned by many in previous reviews. Trust me you will overlook this very easily once you enter this series and again I am not treating this element lightly but mistakes happen and are really only a small piece of a much bigger and better picture. Read!
A few weeks ago I blogged about The Premonition Series by Amy A. Bartol & how I sadly finished Incendiary, the last book currently available. While I am trying {really hard} to patiently wait for Amy to finish book #5, I needed something immediate to get my mind off of Evie & Reed's story. You could say I was 'jonesing' for a fix, another young adult, paranormal series to get wrapped up in. Another reason to turn into 'zombie mom.'
I am happy to report, I found that series!
The Grace Series by S.L. Naeole
While nothing will replace the love I have for Amy A. Bartol & The Premonition Series, I will admit, I have now fallen for the beautiful story of Grace & Robert in the Grace Series.
With the Grace Series, I was able to get so wrapped up & involved with the characters that it once again became really hard for me to put my down. S.L. Naeole had me feeling the same raw emotions her characters felt, their love, their joy, their heartbreak, their anger, their jealously ... there were times I felt emotionally drained!
For example, at one point, I was laughing out loud. I looked like a crazy lady in the middle of Toni & Guy.
Superdad found me a couple times in the middle of the night, sitting up straight in bed, reading, my eyes filled with excitement, filled with fear.
I was even standing in the check out line at WalMart, holding my , clinging to every word, praying that the line would move more slowly, oblivious to the world around me, oblivious to the six foot space between me & the guy in front of me.
There were times my heart literally ached for the characters, times I was brought to tears, times I really wanted to yell at them, at S.L. Naeole, at no one / I just wanted to yell /
So, I would say, The Grace Series was my perfect 'fix!'
Unfortunately I finished the Grace Series & unfortunately Amy didn't finish book #5 in that time period. Since I a major book addict, I am already 'jonesing' & looking for my next 'fix' (
lifeassupermom . blogspot . com
Okay this is one of those books that are super confusing but you can’t stop reading it. I don’t know why I keep falling in to these writing traps. So this story line was ALL over the place. Not much was resolved by the end, in fact there was so much info dumping that I couldn’t tell you what the story was really about. It was a giant cargo plane stuffed with fireworks that crashed into an oil tanker. You can imagine right? And I just couldn’t look away.
Strike one info dumping. I mean, it was in almost every chapter! And it wasn’t even relevant! This book needs a developmental editor stat!
Strike two insta-love! Like three days in. Cue the petty eye roll
Strike Three No real plot. Boy meets girl, boy likes girl. Girl has massive self confidence issues and keeps him at arm’s length. Boy takes offense and misunderstands ALL THE TIME. Then they make up, wash, rinse, repeat. shakes head Oops, sorry, did I spoil it for you?
Strike Four The climax! What the eff! It was confusing and again, didn’t make sense with the rest of the storyline. It all seemed a bit thrown together with no real direction, no focus. This story could have been fantastic if an experienced editor was employed to take out the massive fluff in this book.
Definitely not reading anymore in this series. Truth be told I should have DNF’d it but I kept holding out hope it would redeem itself. And in some places it felt like it was going in that direction. But then some random piece of info would get thrown in, complete with a long drawn out explanation, and by the time I realized there was no resolution I was done with the book. I felt like I was Jedi mind tricked!

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